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时间:2013-10-14   点击数:


Customized PPA for Convex Optimization--- Motivation and Applications

报 告 人:何炳生教授

报告摘要:The first order optimal conditions of the linearly constrained convex programming is a mixed monotone variational inequality in primal and dual variables. The proximal point algorithm (PPA) in Euclidean-norm is classical but abstract. Hence, PPA only plays an important theoretical role in optimization and it is rarely used in the practical scientific computation. In this talk, we introduce the recently developed customized PPA in G-norm (G is a positive definite matrix). In the frame of customized PPA, it is easy to construct the contraction-type methods for convex optimization with different linear constraints. In each iteration of the proposed methods, we need only to solve the proximal sub-problems which have the closed-form solutions or can be efficiently solved up to a high precision. Guided by the frame of customized PPA, the alternating direction method of multipliers is modified and it becomes more efficient. Some novel applications and numerical experiments are reported.


长期从事最优化理论与方法的研究,发表论文 60 余篇。代表性论文发表在 Math. Programming, Numerishe Mathematik,Applied Math. and Optimization, Comutational Optimization and Applications 和 JOTA 等期刊上。论文注重计算效果,部分成果被包括美国两院院士和《世界数学家大会》大会报告人在内的国际著名学者引用并介绍,也被宾习法尼亚大学,多伦多大学,加利福尼亚大学, 哥伦比亚大学等多所北美名校的博士生们在语音识别、光纤网络、机器学习等研究中应用。





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